The Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Deadlift and Squat

Do you want to strengthen your deadlift and squat? Add these four different lift exercises to help you train your deficiencies and prevent injury.

If you have a weak posterior chain or knee valgus hindering your strength gains, the answer isn't just squat more weight, and your body will adjust! Instead, it would be best if you prioritized strengthening the places you struggle with or have muscular imbalances. Training areas that are weaker than others will aid in preventing injury and create a stronger, more reliable base. Here are four different lifts to add to your routine to help strengthen your deadlift and squat.

Four Lifts to Strengthen Your Deadlift and Squat:

  1. Pause Squat

  2. Deficit Deadlift

  3. Good Mornings

  4. Weighted Single Leg Box Squat

1. Pause Squat

Pause Squats are the same as regular squats, except you add a pause at the bottom of the squat. They develop greater starting/concentric strength, increase core stabilization, recruit and develop more muscle fibers, and develop power at the weakest point(bottom).

2. Deficit Deadlift

Deficit Deadlifts are when you perform a deadlift off an elevated surface between 2-4 inches. The elevation helps you achieve a greater range of motion, works muscles to full capacity, and forces your body to adapt and get stronger at a biomechanical disadvantage.

3. Good Mornings

Good Mornings are when you place the barbell firmly on your upper trap area as you would with a squat and then hinge at the hips and "bow" forward. These strengthen the posterior chain, aid in lower back health, glute and hamstring development, and enhance upper back tension and lower back stability.

4. Weighted Single Leg Box Squat

A Weighted Single Leg Box Squat is what it sounds like, a single leg box squat with added weight. These improve quad strength, strengthen stabilizer muscles and balance, optimize patellofemoral mechanics and knee function.

Are you looking to work on strengthening imbalances and lifting pain-free? 

Our United Strength team would love to support your journey!

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Located in Columbus, OH


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